Cathy in Sculpture Garden, Wednesday afternoon
Cathy is standing in the smaller of the two sculpture gardens on the National Mall. It's on the east side of the National History Museum, and it's a great, quiet place to go for lunch. The landscaping is wonderful, and there are helpful little tags to show you what you're looking at. You can see one in the lower right hand corner of the photo.
Clouds Last Night, 14th Street NW
I saw these clouds while on my way to Blockbuster to return two overdue DVDs. They promised rain, and sure enough, this afternoon just as I got off the metro, the first drops fell. That was almost 24 hours later, which is a long time between weather signs and the actual weather.
Horse Getting a Bath Outside of Horse Show at Verizon Center, Friday afternoon
The 51st Annual Washington International Horse Show has been going on right downtown under our noses this past week. A whole block of F Street NW has been closed to traffic to accommodate temporary stables for the equine contestants. I suppose this horse was getting prettied up for tonight's event: the $25,000 Puissance (high jump). Notice the lavender suds on her mane. The groom applied some to her tail, also. I am only guessing, but I think it's something to make the mane and tail look the blue rinse beauty parlors use on women with white hair.